frickin damn funny
that was some of the funniest stuff i ever seen on this site
i thought it was losing momentum for a second but
ahh it was just the setup for a very funny ending
well paced
frickin damn funny
that was some of the funniest stuff i ever seen on this site
i thought it was losing momentum for a second but
ahh it was just the setup for a very funny ending
well paced
smoking was awesome, sea turtles ok
the smoking one was funny as hell
but the sea turtle one was a little slow
the humor was pretty different between the two
not bad
i cant say i really liked it
but i definitely didnt hate it
it was very ok
it had a comic strip feel, kinda ziggy-ish
i think that it was a very different approach
than what you usually see on this site
good job
i dont care what anyone says
i liked it
simple funny and to the point
keep up the good work
really excellent for a stick animation
great job, i usually hate these stick things
but this wasgreat
really creative,you took it in a lot of directions
good timing better than part1
funny shit
that was some funny stuff, i loved the artwork and the style was good, i also thought the voices were really funny but i have a little trouble understanding what the characters were saying, i think that subtitles would really help this cartoon
good stuff
cute, nice job
you did a really nice job on this, i got a little bored with it
but it was well done
awesome job
i love the raymond scott selection, takes it back to the roots
i also appreciate the bang for the buck factor
i dont mind that its only 16 seconds because i got a better laugh from your sixteen seconds than i get from the average 5 minute cartoon
you didnt dick around trying to drag out a quick joke
and the quality was good because you didnt bite off more than you can chew
keep it up, and dont be afraid to keep them short like this, the length was very appropriate for the content
You are one of the few who actually appreciated the length of the piece.... Thanks...
Age 93, Male
skool sux
7th circle of hell
Joined on 7/4/04